Elevate Your Floristry

Business to New Heights


Sophie Cullumbine

Join the Premier Group Mentoring Course for Professional Florists

September 2024 - January 2025

Are You Ready to Flourish and Master the Art of Floristry?

As a professional florist, you already know that passion alone isn’t enough to build a thriving business. 

You need advanced skills, business acumen, and a supportive community to truly excel. 

Flourish & Master isn’t just another course; it’s a transformative journey designed to elevate every aspect of your floristry business.

Led by me, Sophie Cullumbine, an award-winning wedding florist and industry trailblazer, this programme offers an unparalleled ​blend of cutting-edge education, personalised mentoring, and immersive experiences. Whether you’re looking to refine your ​design skills, scale your business, or connect with like-minded professionals, this course is your blueprint for success.

What’s Included in the Flourish & Master Programme?

Online Workshops

Join me in a series of live & interactive online ​workshops that cover a wide range of topics, from ​advanced design techniques to innovative business ​strategies. These sessions are designed to be​ practical, actionable, and directly applicable to your​ business. Plus, you’ll enjoy lifetime access to all​ recordings and resources, so you can revisit the​ material whenever you need a refresher.​

Installation Masterclass

Discover the secrets to designing and delivering ​large-scale event floristry in our incredible ​installation masterclass. Learn how to create ​breathtaking floral installations that leave a lasting ​impression and elevate your portfolio, and give you ​the skills to take on more lucratve portfolios

Personalised 1-2​-1 Mentoring

Get the guidance you need with tailored ​one-to-one mentoring sessions. I’ll work with you to id​entify your unique strengths and areas for growth, pro​viding actionable advice that aligns with your specific ​goals. This is your chance to receive expert feedba​ck and make meaningful progress in your business jo​u​rney.

Immersive Retreat

Recharge and reconnect at our luxurious retreat, ​designed to provide you with a break from the day-to-​day hustle while deepening your connection to your ​craft and community. This retreat offers a unique ​blend of relaxation, reflection, and growth, all in a ​beautiful, inspiring setting.

Exclusive Community Space

Network and grow alongside a select group of ​motivated florists in our private online community. ​Share your experiences, seek advice, and collaborate ​on exciting projects. This community will become ​your go-to support system, both during the course and ​long after it ends.

BONUS :Sustainability Focus

In today’s world, sustainability isn’t just a trend—it’s a ​responsibility. My dedicated Sustainability Modules ​will teach you how to incorporate eco-friendly ​practices into your floristry business, from reducing ​waste to sourcing sustainable materials. You’ll become ​a leader in the industry by championing ​environmentally responsible floristry.


Sophie Cull​u​mbine

I’m not just an award-winning wedding florist; I’m a pass​ionate advocate for the floristry industry and a dedicated men​tor to florists at all stages of their careers. Known for my breath​taking designs and unwavering commitment to sustainability, I b​ring a wealth of experience and a contagious enthusiasm to every se​ssion. With me as your guide, you’ll gain the skills, confidenc​e, and mindset needed to flourish in this competitive ind​u​stry.

Who is


Flourish & Master is designed specifically for professional florists who are ready to ​elevate their craft and business to the next level.

This programme is perfect for you if:

You’re an Experienced Florist: You’ve been in the industry for a while and have honed your basic skills,

but you’re ready to take your designs, installations, and business strategy to new heights.

You Aspire to Be a Leader in Floristry: You’re passionate about floristry and want to become a recognised name in the ​industry. Whether it’s through large-scale installations, innovative designs, or a thriving business model,

you’re eager to stand out and make your mark.

You’re Committed to Sustainability: You understand the importance of environmentally responsible floristry

and want to integrate sustainable practices into your work. You’re looking for guidance on how to do this effectively, ​without compromising on creativity or quality.

You Seek Personalised Guidance: You value expert advice tailored to your unique needs and goals.

You’re looking for more than just general tips—you want a mentor who can offer specific, actionable feedback to help ​you grow.

You’re Ready to Invest in Your Future: You recognise that continuous learning and growth are essential to your success.

You’re prepared to invest time, effort, and resources into a programme that will provide you with the tools and ​knowledge to flourish.

You Crave a Supportive Community: You want to connect with other like-minded florists who share your passion and ​drive. You’re excited about the prospect of being part of a supportive community where you can share ideas, challenges, ​and successes.

If this sounds like you, then Flourish & Master is the perfect fit. Join me and a group of ​dedicated florists on a journey to elevate your skills, expand your business, and achieve ​your professional dreams.

Who is


While Flourish & Master is a comprehensive programme designed to elevate the careers of professional ​florists, it may not be the right fit for everyone.

This programme is NOT for you if:

You’re Just Starting Out: If you’re new to floristry and still learning the basics, this programme might be ​too advanced. Flourish & Master is tailored for experienced florists who already have a solid foundation ​and are looking to refine and elevate their craft.

You’re Not Ready to Invest in Your Growth: If you’re not prepared to commit time, effort, and ​resources to your professional development, this programme may not be the best fit. Flourish & Master ​requires a dedication to learning and implementing new strategies and techniques.

You Prefer Working Alone: If you’re someone who prefers to work in isolation and isn’t interested in ​networking or being part of a community, you might not fully benefit from the collaborative aspects of ​this programme. Flourish & Master thrives on community interaction, support, and shared experiences.

You’re Not Open to New Ideas: This programme is for florists who are eager to explore innovative ​techniques, sustainable practices, and new business strategies. If you’re resistant to change or not ​interested in expanding your horizons, this might not be the right environment for you.

You’re Looking for a Quick Fix: Flourish & Master is about deep, meaningful growth—both creatively ​and professionally. If you’re seeking instant results without putting in the necessary work and ​commitment, this programme may not meet your expectations.

You’re Content with the Status Quo: If you’re satisfied with where you are in your career and don’t have ​the desire to push your boundaries or take your business to the next level, this programme may not be ​the transformative experience you’re looking for.

Here’s a little bit more on Flo​urish & Master Programme...

Maximum of 12 students ​to ensure hands on, ​focussed & tailored ​learning.

Installation Masterclass

Join me for an epic two days, culminating in a ​photoshoot.

Oct 3rd & 4th

Set in the beautiful Vale of Belvoir

1-2-1 Mentoring, with a ​mix of online & in person.

Exclusive Retreat

Indulge for a day on 28th January, as we reset ​and recharge for the coming year.

V​ale of Belvoir location.

Online Session Dates

17th Sept, 24th Sept

1st Oct, 8th Oct, 15th Oct, 29th Oct

5th Nov, 12th Nov, 19th Nov, 3rd Dec

7th Jan 14th Jan 21st Jan

All Tues 10am

Do you want more?

Then send me a whatspp and let’s have a ​chat to see if F&M is a fit for you.

0​77 477 51221

TESTIMONIALS ~​ Clients & Brides

Lisa S

I’ve had the best time! What an absolute privilege to ​spend time with you all, learn, develop and grow. I ​too feel very emotional tonight that the last two ​weeks have come to an end, but I’m also excited ​about what can come next and for me that will ​likely mean a significant work change and I’ll be ​looking to you all for support to help me make that ​cliff jump!

Chrissy - Running Wild

Sophie is so generous, you can ask her anything and ​she’ll give you golden nuggets of information that ​are absolutely priceless. She is firm and fair in her ​guidance meaning there is no uncertainty about the ​required direction or changes to make so no time is ​wasted and you feel like you are truly forging ​ahead. I always looked forward to my sessions with ​Sophie!​

Pixie Lott

Sophie’s creativity & attention to detail was second ​to none. Her warmth made me feel so at ease from ​the first meet. Florals were my most important ​detail of the wedding I wanted to get right, I was ​blown away when I saw the Cathedral, it was just ​perfect, even better than I had hoped for!

Emma - The Bloom Project

I found Sophie to be an open book, incredibly honest ​and very insightful. It was a breath of fresh air to speak ​openly with Sophie and go through all my worries and ​anxieties with running my own floral business. I will ​definitely be booking in for another 1-2-1 with Sophie

Emilie H

Absolutely amazing few weeks … you are amazing Sophi​e an absolute inspiration and such a vibe ​

I got in the car and cried most the way home … a​n unforgettable experience with the most amazing grou​p of women xx​x​

Ch​ristina - The Wild Atelier

I approached Sophie for a ​1-2-1 Course to further my skills in Floristry, she pr​epared a thorough schedule based on my requ​irements, which was highly beneficial to me in setting ​up my own business! Sophie is a very warm and enco​uraging mentor and the day was worth ​every penny ~ thank you :)

Secure Your Spot Today!

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your floristry skills ​and business. Join Flourish & Master and become part of a ​community dedicated to excellence and sustainability.



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5 payment of


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*Pay in Full Bonuses

Sign up and pay in full and receive these exclusive bonuses:

Social Media Audit

Get a comprehensive review of your social media presence with actionable tips to enhance your online visibility and engagement.

Fortnum & Mason ​Hamper

What could be more indulgent than a ​delivery from F&M to celebrate your ​investment in your business...